
Lia + Nate | the Wedding Day

My first wedding of 2010 — started off with a fantastic couple, Lia and Nate!

The day started at Lia’s parent’s home where the girls were getting hair/make-up done, and helping Lia get to the church.  After the ceremony, Lia was ready for everything that I had in mind.  “I know the dress will be getting dirty, and it is worth it for the images!” — a dream-bride right?!  We managed to walk around a few places, and kept that dress in really good shape after all. 🙂

The weather was COLD, and when I say they toughed it out that would not tell you enough.  I brought along leg-warmers for the girls to put on under their dresses, and some  boots for Lia to wear so we would not ruin her ballroom shoes in the snow.  Did I mention she scaled a fence in her dress for me to get to a spot with great light?  INCREDIBLE!  Nate & Lia are just so wonderful and sweet to one another, it was great to capture that kind of love.  Enjoy the SLIDESHOW HERE, and lots of favorites below!

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There is one image in the slideshow, that is old-style Glamour-inspired.  The post-processing is totally different than usual, but I love the look and feel — Lia really pulled it off with the look…you will know which one it is! 🙂

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