I literally just got home after a 14 hour car ride, and decided I had to blog this evening about the great little vacation in Wolf Creek/Pagosa Springs, CO. Last Wednesday 8 of us from KC started the all-day drive out West, so that we could be on the mountain for day 1 on Thursday. We arrived to THIS AMAZING HOME and couldn’t believe how great it was. If you are headed out that way, you really should consider staying here if you have a large group! The morning conditions were a bit icy, but after some sunshine it softened the snow a bit and we were able to do some great skiing/boarding. That night 4 more friends from CO joined us and we had two more days of good times. It was warm, and we enjoyed the natural Hot Springs too — which were amazing and fun on the tired muscles… 🙂 Day 2 we even hiked this amazing area called Knife Ridge, which was SO SCARY, but worth it. I didn’t get down that portion on my board very "pretty" but I made it down!
Above is Joel (aka Joel-pedo) on skis, and Dave is that little spec on the board below…
Me being silly on Day 2
My Extreme-Dave catchin’ some air!
Mark jumping off the same ridge as Dave did in the previous image.
Brandon after a long day of boarding… 🙂
*ALMOST the whole gang:
Tim, Meaghan, Amanda, Kevin, Lauren, Mark, Brandon, Cezanne, Joel, Dave and Me
(they love when I shout "Group Picture Time!")
*Not pictured: Kristen, but we will photoshop her in ASAP 🙂
Brandon, Cezanne and Dave hiking knife ridge — and this give NO justice to the 1-foot wide icy path you are walking in BOOTS!
The view right before dropping into the run…yeah, I was scared!
Here is everyone this morning getting ready to head home.
Great times — let’s start planning Whistler for 2009! 🙂