This is an entry for all the people out there that love geeky-computer stuff…like me. 🙂
Having a computer background has been an amazing advantage in my job, and I take my file storage VERY seriously. My wedding camera writes to two memory cards at once (which is very necessary in my field), and when I get home I have a workflow that sends my files to places all over (hard drive, external drive, DVD’s and off-site). Well tonight my great friend Jesse came over and we made some major changes to add some BETTER back-ups to my process. Meet DROBO — isn’t he cute?
I will have FOUR TERABYTES…yeah a lot…of storage on there. If a drive fails, it lets me know and automatically uses one of the drives to replace the broken one. It is a little Robot! And I am changing my off-site storage as well, to a host that automatically updates selected portions of my drives as I add to them. SO COOL!
Anyone else as geeked out as me? Hello? Anybody there??? Oh ok…
Tomorrow I have two more shoots, and then I am off to Seneca, KS on Saturday for a wedding!