
Lily turned ONE!

I posted the one image of Miss Lily last week, just because it was SO DARN CUTE.  Well…there are so many more where that came from!  I went to Lily’s house for a Birthday session, and she was a dream to work with.  She smiled, made faces, laughed, and more.  Did I mention there was birthday cake for the very end of the session?  That’s right — she got really messy, and you will have to watch the slideshow to see what she looked like when she was done!  Mom and Dad picked a special song for her, so ENJOY IT HERE!

IMG_7944a.jpg First she found my lens cap — does Canon need a new Ad campaign? 🙂
IMG_8058a.jpg Here is the family mimicing Lily’s "Chucky Face" — she will love that when she is in high school!IMG_8167a.jpg

And Lily, how do you really feel about that hat?

IMG_7969a.jpg The beginning of the cake…

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