All of my friends know how much I ‘loved’ my Ford Taurus. Coupled with the fact that I have been in a Taurus (of various models) for the past ELEVEN YEARS! I had a good excuse though — it was my father’s company car, and therefore the price to purchase when the lease was up could not be beat. HOWEVER, I decided that I had enough of the Taurus world, and when Jamie’s blog said that her husband was selling their 2006 Nissan Altima…I was so excited! I wanted this make/model/color anyways, and what can beat buying it from a friend!? So I no longer drive a Taurus…and this is the very first car I have ever picked out for myself…can you tell I am excited? 🙂

So anyone looking for a 1999 Ford Taurus with 150K miles on it? 🙂
You can see it crying in the background of the left image, now that it has been moved from the garage to the driveway…
You can see it crying in the background of the left image, now that it has been moved from the garage to the driveway…