
I got in!

There are so many photography seminars to choose from out there — that they all tend to run together after awhile.  That is until I saw the information about this all-women seminar being held in North Carolina, by four VERY talented photographers!  It is called "Love Affair" (read about it here) and it is sure to be one of the best out there — and they generated so much buzz around this retreat by saying only 40 women would make it in!  Well after about 200 photographers across the country signed up for the "notify" list I knew I had a slim chance.  But this morning at 10 AM I was on the site waiting for the registration to open up.  I was registered by 10:02, and it is a good thing because it sold out in 3 minutes!!!  So I received the phone call from Millie that I made it in, so here’s looking forward to February!











Keep an eye on the blog, because they are going to spotlight each of the attendees with a survey and photograph of us! 

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