
Extremely Flattered!

I have a lot of readers out there — and sometimes I never know who they are.  I LOVE blogging (right Melissa Jill :P) and when I show up for a session and people tell me how much they enjoy my blog, it really makes the time put into this blog worth it — so thank you VERY much!

Now we all know that there are all sorts of analytics around blog traffic, etc.  Well I had some readers from a blog out there called Shutter Sisters, and it is a group of amazing & talented women.  A recent post asked people to list some of their favorite blogs, and I was humbled/flattered/shocked to read a post from Melissa B (go check out her blog here):

"I have so many that I have found lately. I will post the one that is from my area. I’m hoping one day to meet her."

Wow…SO flattered!  Little ole me?  Contact me Melissa!
I think this face about sums up my feelings!

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