So my girl Sara over at Whitebox Weddings tagged me for a little blog game, so I felt obligated to participate. The goal is for me to share EIGHT interesting facts about me, and pass this along to EIGHT other photographers to do the same. Check out the post where I was tagged HERE…and see below for my fun facts, and the people that I am tagging!
1. I used to work at Sonic — as a rollerskating carhop! The money was great, not to mention the exercise — until you fall down during a busy hour. Way too embarassing for a 17-year old.
2. I danced my ENTIRE life, even some in college. Tap, Jazz, Ballet, Pointe, you name it. I miss it SO much, but this leads to my next fun fact…
3. I am addicted to the show "So You Think You Can Dance". Watching all of those talented people on the stage motivates me to keep dancing in my own kitchen for fun!!
4. I have never had a cavity, broken a bone, or gotten a ticket (I had to steal this one from Melissa Jill because it is true for me too!)
5. I have completed two mini-triathlons, and I hope to do another one soon. It was such a great feeling to finish both times, and know that the human body is capable of SO MUCH!
6. I love all things sugar — especially butter-cream frosting on great cake. Why do you think I became a wedding photographer? 🙂
7. Dave has introduced me to all things Xtreme — 4-wheeling, wakeboarding and snowboarding — and he has been an amazing teacher at ALL of them. So amazing, that I now have my own 4-wheeler, wakeboard, and snowboard…
8. I started shooting weddings at age 17, which is hard to believe that people were so trusting of someone so young — but I am SO glad that they did because that is how I got to where I am today!
The next 8 victims…
Fred Egan –
Lauren Clark –
Teddy –
Krystal –
Agnes –
Lisa Russo –
Anne Ruthmann –
My local girl! Adrienne –