
Camera Recommendations!

Multiple times a week I receive an e-mail asking what I would recommend when purchasing a camera — so I thought it was a great idea to create a blog post, so I can simply send a link to this information!  To start I am a Canon girl, so naturally my favorites are all going to be of this brand.  Canon vs. Nikon is like PC vs. MAC…you get what you like and you tend to stick to it. 

There are many levels of camera — so let’s start with the simple consumer point-and-shoot.  Until recently (as in yesterday) I was using the Canon Powershot SD1000.  Any of the Canon Elph line are going to be great.  They are comparible when it comes to zoom/color/durability/card-type.  While there are a lot out there, you can get them for under $200 and go up from there.  Great if you are just looking for a quick shot without a lot of manual work.

Next up will be the Prosumer-level camera.  These are perfect when you do not want to carry a large SLR camera and various lenses.  I just purchased the Canon G10 since I had read/heard a lot of great things about it.  I couldn’t be happier with what I have already shot (not much) but I love how much control I can have.  It still shoots video, has a hot-shoe for a flash, and can even take RAW images (that need CS4 for processing).  I think that the file size is a bit too much for point-and-shoot, but I feel like I can shoot in total control of all the settings, without the bulk of the SLR!

Finally — let’s get to the level where you are beyond point-and-shoot, and want to get various lenses for different looks.  Not sure you are ready to go pro — but see a need for manual control of your settings.  I could not agree more with the recommendations that Anna Kuperburg put together with an Store HERE.  The Canon Rebel XTi, with a very basic 50MM lens.  This fixed lens will really have you concentrating on your composition which is important!  Once you get a feel for what you like (close/tight shots, or wide/scene-setting) you can grow your lens collection accordingly.  But my fave SLR camera right now…is still my 5D.  The 5D Mark II is pretty sweet…and skin tones/color are like butter…not to mention HD video (which I am still playing around with). 

No matter what level of photography you want to achieve — I hope that this information can help out.  Now get out and enjoy this fantastic weather!! 🙂

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