Saturday was a day of clouds, cold, and rain — but there were lots of kiddos to make the day a lot brighter!
There were three baby-sessions to do that day, and without the help of my favorite lighting (the sun) I had to break out the artificial stuff! This makes things a little harder — waiting for the flash to be ready makes it easier to miss a funny face or smile — but got some great stuff! As you may or may not know, this little guy is not only the son to my best friend in the world but he is also my Godson! So he gets a little spoiled… 🙂 I brought along a fuzzy Santa hat for all of the little ones that day, and some shiny ornaments! I love his sweet face, and seeing my close friends just be amazing parents. I cannot wait for his next session so we can venture outdoors, and in the meantime here is his SLIDESHOW!