Now that I have two Rileys on my Baby’s First Year — I have to change the titles a bit to keep them straight!
This day was COLD…so we had to stay indoors for a quick session of the family. What I love about these is the challenge to use artificial lighting! Riley was a little unsure of being setup on her own, but after a few moments of comfort from Mom, she was good to go! She smiled, and even let us put a couple of hats on her. The Christmas one was even Nate’s as a baby! I love that… :) Enjoy the favorites, and the slideshow set to a song Mom e-mailed me…I really like it!
I love a good comfy/casual family shot
Check out those baby-rolls!
These are great! I’m thinking you had a hand in the subtle way the photos match words in the slideshow song…planned? 🙂
I love the photo with the 3 red canvasses behind in the back! It reminds me so much of one of my faves you took of Skyler’s 4 month session on our white couch in front of my 3 canvasses. So cute!