As I was waiting to meet up with this family in the park, I started thinking back to when I first met Jessica & Mitch. The answer; Junior High school. EONS ago. Jessica and I met when I was in 9th grade, and I believe she was in 7th. I was a cheerleader (yes it’s true), and she was in pep-club (with a future in cheerleading as well). Who knew right? All these years later, Facebook would reconnect us — and it turns out we are going to be neighbors once Dave and I move (in t-minus 13 days…yikes)!
Enough of the past though, let’s see about their little angel, Payton! It was a very cold day, but Payton did not even seem to notice. She was bundled up, had the cutest clothes, and luckily enjoyed all the leaves that were everywhere! It was so much fun…so enough words, on with the images and SLIDESHOW!
Doesn't this make you want to be a kid again?
She’s such a cutie!!