I knew within’ the first few minutes of meeting this family that there were going to be lots of laughs. Everyone was in good spirits, and just happy to be together! The weather was pretty nice for late-November, and we walked through the sunny park getting all of the family combinations we could think of. :) There was a little scare at the end for me, when I thought that I had lost Brandon’s sunglasses. I thought my lens-bag was a good place to store them, but luckily he found them in the thousands of leaves as soon as he walked over to see what I was looking for… 🙂
I cannot wait for Brooke to have her little one…you will be seeing this new family on the blog again soon! Enjoy the slideshow here!
the adorable Braxton
Another fun little piece about this shoot — is a former Groom of mine Zach (September 2007). He is currently taking a photography course, and had an assignment to shadow a photographer. He came along and actually took pictures of the happenings — and I love this shot he got! PS: He was shooting FILM! 🙂