
Avery | 1-Year Session

I still cannot believe it was time for Avery’s last session of her Baby’s First Year.  How can a whole year have passed since the first time I met this sweet little girl?  Each time was better and better though — and her smile is just the best!  But even funnier was the way to get her to smile.  Many of you out there my age grew up with Saved by the Bell (oh Zach Morris and your “mobile phone” and Ken-doll hair) — so perhaps you recall the episode where they created a little public-service piece.  The slogan was “There’s no hope, with dope!” — and if you speak that very line Avery lights up with an ear-to-ear grin!  Mom and Dad aren’t sure why, but whatever works right? 🙂
We were also able to use her pink tutu in each session — how cool!  They selected a great song for Avery’s slideshow, so see it here!


Of course, there was CAKE! :)

Of course, there was CAKE! 🙂

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