
Nolan | 1-Year Session

It seems as if every session with Mr. Nolan is an adventure!  His 8-month session we cut off his blue onesie…and this one he got a little bonk on the head when he was standing (it’s new to him!).  But I have to give him the award for being the toughest little guy ever!  After a little snuggle-time, he was ready for more images, smiles, and best of all his CAKE!  He attacked that thing, and managed to get green icing everywhere within’ his reach… 🙂  Has it really been a whole year since he arrived?!

Of course at the end of a First Year, I love to look back at those 12 months:  Newborn | 4-Months | 8-Months

Enjoy his 1-year slideshow here!

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