
Stephanie & Zach | We Do!

Last Saturday it poured — and I mean raining so loud that Jenni and I had to shout at one another because the water pounding on the roof of my car drowned out our voices!  And we had plans for outside pictures with the wedding party — but mother nature and a nod from above parted the clouds and gave us a perfectly beautiful day just in time to start.  Stephanie & Zach knew they wanted amazing pictures, so they agreed to see one another before the ceremony.  This gave us time to go to Union Station, and really have some FUN!  The red colors were so vibrant, and I loved her red shoes…and there are SO many that I love from this wedding — here are the ones that really just stand out, and their SLIDESHOW set to their first dance song!



I am in LOVE with this shot — all natural window light with a ceiling light that illuminated her hair/veil — goregous!



The latest ring shot — inspired by Nate Kaiser of the Image is Found!
For you photogs out there, this image was lit by my assistant holding a Sunpack video light to camera-right!


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