
Brock + Bryce | Family Session

Last week I had the honor of meeting up with this super-fun family for a Fall session — on a mid-Nov day that happened to be around 60-degrees!  Perfection.  It took some time to find that last bit of color, but it was worth it.  Brock is a sweet big brother, with tons of energy and excitement that I wish I could bottle-up and save for a rainy day.  And Bryce is an independent little guy, who likes to watch his brother throw leaves and run around.  You can see he’s just taking it all in, and I love it.  We laugh pretty good during this shoot, and after all the leaf-throwing was complete Marcus had to pick the leaves from April’s hair — hence the “monkey-ish” image at the end… 🙂

Enjoy their slideshow of Favorites here!


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